$7 a month x 12

LCUI Donator


LCUI Donator

The LCUI project needs your support to keep going. you can choose the following roles:

Donator A ($8)

Your name will be put in backers.md in the LCUI repository.

Donator B ($32)

Your name will be put at the top of backers.md in the LCUI repository.

Sponser A ($64)

Your name or company logo will be put in backers.md in the LCUI repository.

Sponser B ($128)

Your name or company logo will be put at:

  • the top of backers.md in the LCUI repository
  • the homepage of lcui.lc-soft.io


LCUI 项目的开发需要你的支持,你可以选择以下角色:

捐赠者 A ($8)

你的名字会放置在 LCUI 代码库的 backers.md 文档中。

捐赠者 B ($32)

你的名字会放置在 LCUI 代码库的 backers.md 文档中。

赞助者 A ($64)

你的名字或公司 LOGO 会放置在 LCUI 代码库的 REAMDE.md 文档中。

赞助者 B ($128)

你的名字或公司 LOGO 会放置在:

  • LCUI 代码库的 backers.md 文档中
  • lcui.lc-soft.io 主页中

This membership will automatically end after 12 months
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